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711015 SYNCLEAN Vacuum Motor for vacuum cleaner o scrubber dryer FREE SHIPPING!

711015 SYNCLEAN Vacuum Motor for vacuum cleaner o scrubber dryer

€ 90,18

711015 SYNCLEAN Vacuum Motor for vacuum cleaner o scrubber dryer Motore BiStageo Tangenziale Watt: 1000 Volt: 230 Stage: 2 Total height: 173 Turbine height: 77 Diameter Turbine: 144


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ALTERNATIVA MOTORE 069100006.01 cod. SY711217 SYNCLEAN - 36 V 750 W FREE SHIPPING!

ALTERNATIVA MOTORE 069100006.01 cod. SY711217 SYNCLEAN - 36 V 750 W

€ 242,58

ALTERNATIVA MOTORE 069100006.01 cod. SY711217 SYNCLEAN - 36 V 750 W N°. di stadi: 3 Watt: 750 Volt: 36 H totale: 200,5 H turbina: 96,5 H pacco: 38 Diametro Turbina: 144  


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ALTERNATIVA MOTORE 069102002.01 cod. SY711208 SYNCLEAN - 24 V 524 W FREE SHIPPING!

ALTERNATIVA MOTORE 069102002.01 cod. SY711208 SYNCLEAN - 24 V 524 W

€ 209,86

ALTERNATIVA MOTORE 069102002.01 cod. SY711208 SYNCLEAN - 24 V 524 W N°. di stadi: 2 Watt Nominal Power: 524 Volt: 24 H totale: 169 H turbina: 73 H pacco: 30 Diametro Turbina: 144  


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€ 115,50



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Motore aspirazione 063200194.00 DIRETTO FREE SHIPPING!

Motore aspirazione 063200194.00 DIRETTO "CUP"

€ 138,82

Motore aspirazione 063200194.00 DIRETTO "CUP"  N°. di stadi: 1 Watt: 600 Volt: 230 H totale: 113,2 mm H turbina: 43,4 mm Diametro Turbina: 106/109 mm    


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Motore aspirazione BB711022.240 SYNCLEAN per lavapavimenti e aspirapolvere - 240 V 1000W FREE SHIPPING!

Motore aspirazione BB711022.240 SYNCLEAN per lavapavimenti e aspirapolvere - 240 V 1000W

€ 142,28

Motore aspirazione AMETEK ITALIA modello SO3891SE per lavapavimenti o aspirapolvere Motore periferico N°. di stadi: 2 Watt: 1000 Volt: 240 H totale: 168 H turbina: 69 H statore: 30 Diametro Turbina: 144


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Motore aspirazione BB711423 SYNCLEAN per TANGENZIALE BISTADIO per lavapavimenti - 120 V 956 W FREE SHIPPING!

Motore aspirazione BB711423 SYNCLEAN per TANGENZIALE BISTADIO per lavapavimenti - 120 V 956 W

€ 187,23

Motore aspirazione BB711423 SYNCLEAN per TANGENZIALE BISTADIO per lavapavimenti - 120 V 956 W N°. di stadi: 2 Watt: 956 Volt: 120 H totale: 170 H turbina: 55,5 Diametro Turbina: 144


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Motore aspirazione MONOSTADIO DIRETTO - 230 V 1200 W FREE SHIPPING!

Motore aspirazione MONOSTADIO DIRETTO - 230 V 1200 W

€ 126,99

Motore aspirazione MONOSTADIO DIRETTO - 230 V 1200 W N°. di stadi: 1 Volt: 230 Nominal Watt: 1200 H totale: 112 mm H turbina: 44,2 Diametro Turbina: 134 mm


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Motore aspirazione SY 712015 SYNCLEAN per aspirapolvere-2 FREE SHIPPING!

Motore aspirazione SY 712015 SYNCLEAN per aspirapolvere-2

€ 151,06

Motore di aspirazione SYNCLEAN modello SY712015 per aspirapolvere Motore diretto N°. stadi: 2 Watt: 1000 Volt: 220-240 H pacco: 38 H totale: 165 H turbina: 66 Diametro Turbina: 144  


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€ 237,09

Motore aspirazione SY711146 BISTADIO TANGENZIALE CON INVITO SYNCLEAN N°. di stadi: 2 Watt Nominal Power: 404 Volt: 24 H totale: 166,5 mm H turbina: 71 mm H pacco: 30 mm Diametro Turbina: 143,5 mm Altezza Inlet: 20 mm Diametro Inlet: 38,5 mm  


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€ 187,49

Motore aspirazione SY711154 TRISTADIO TANGENZIALE CON INVITO SYNCLEAN N°. di stadi: 3 Watt: 600 Volt: 36 H totale: 199 mm H turbina: 95mm H pacco: 38 mm Diametro Turbina: 144 mm Altezza Inlet: 16 mm Diametro Inlet: 39 mm  


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€ 193,22

Motore aspirazione SY711155 TRISTADIO PERIFERICO SYNCLEAN N°. di stadi: 3 Watt: 500 Volt: 24 H totale: 203 H turbina: 92 H pacco: 38 Diametro Turbina: 144  


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€ 182,34

Motore aspirazione SY711166 BISTADIO TANGENZIALE CON INVITO SYNCLEAN N°. di stadi: 2 Watt: 550 Volt: 36 H totale: 167 H turbina: 70 mm H pacco: 30 mm Diametro Turbina: 166 mm Altezza Inlet: 20 mm Diametro Inlet: 39 mm  


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€ 223,00

Motore aspirazione SY711205 BISTADIO PERIFERICO SYNCLEAN N°. di stadi: 2 Watt: 600 Volt: 36 H totale: 171,3 H turbina: 69 H pacco: 30 Diametro Turbina: 144  


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€ 222,99

Motore aspirazione SY711206 TANGENZIALE BISTADIO SYNCLEAN N°. di stadi: 2 Watt: 600 Volt: 36 H totale: 168 H turbina: 72 H pacco: 30 Diametro Turbina: 144  


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€ 241,53

Motore aspirazione SY7111217 TRISTADIO PERIFERICO SYNCLEAN N°. di stadi: 3 Watt: 750 Volt: 36 H totale: 200,5 H turbina: 96,5 H pacco: 38 Diametro Turbina: 144  


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€ 241,02

Motore aspirazione SY711326 TRISTADIO TANGENZIALE CON INVITO SYNCLEAN N°. di stadi: 3 Watt Nominal Power: 669 Volt: 36 H totale: 199 mm H turbina: 94 mm H pacco: 38 mm Diametro Turbina: 144 mm Altezza Inlet: 18 mm Diametro Inlet: 39 mm  


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Motore aspirazione SY711383.03 SYNCLEAN TANGENZIALE BISTADIO – 230 V 635 W FREE SHIPPING!

Motore aspirazione SY711383.03 SYNCLEAN TANGENZIALE BISTADIO – 230 V 635 W

€ 167,50

Motore aspirazione 069402001 AMETEK TANGENZIALE BISTADIO – 230 V 465 W Watt: 635 Volt: 230 stadi: 2 H totale: 167,5 H pacco: 30 H turbina: 70 Diametro Turbina: 144 VALIDO PER SOTITURIRE I SEGUENTI MOTORI: DD9032322M 069402001


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€ 239,96

Motore aspirazione SY711402 TRISTADIO TANGENZIALE CON INVITO SYNCLEAN N°. di stadi: 3 Watt: 560 Volt: 24 H totale: 199,5 mm H turbina: 94 mm H pacco: 39 mm Diametro Turbina: 144 mm Altezza Inlet: 18,5 mm Diametro Inlet: 39 mm  


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€ 209,34

SY711473VRLLES Motore aspirazione SYNCLEAN per lavapavimenti Motore periferico N°. di stadi: 1 Watt: 280 Volt: 24 H totale: 143,5 H turbina: 51 H inlet : 18,5 Diametro inlet : 39 Diametro Turbina: 144  


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€ 154,78

Motore aspirazione SY7111217 TRISTADIO PERIFERICO SYNCLEAN N°. di stadi: 2 Watt: 386 Volt: 230 H totale: 172 H turbina: 69 H pacco: 30 Diametro Turbina: 144  


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Motore di aspirazione SYNCLEAN  - SY711067 per aspirapolvere e lavapavimenti-2 FREE SHIPPING!

Motore di aspirazione SYNCLEAN - SY711067 per aspirapolvere e lavapavimenti-2

€ 157,18

Motore di aspirazione SYNCLEAN modello SY711067 per aspirapolvere e lavapavimenti Motore periferico N°. stadi: 2 Watt: 1000 Volt: 220-240 H pacco: 30 H totale: 170 H turbina: 69 Diametro Turbina: 144  


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Motore di aspirazione SYNCLEAN - SY711028 per aspirapolvere e lavapavimenti-2 FREE SHIPPING!

Motore di aspirazione SYNCLEAN - SY711028 per aspirapolvere e lavapavimenti-2

€ 165,63

Motore di aspirazione SYNCLEAN modello SY711028 per aspirapolvere e lavapavimenti Motore tangenziale N°. stadi: 2 Watt: 1200 Volt: 220-240 H pacco: 38 H totale: 178 H turbina: 77 Diametro Turbina: 144  


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Motore di aspirazione SYNCLEAN - SY711034 per aspirapolvere e lavapavimenti-2 FREE SHIPPING!

Motore di aspirazione SYNCLEAN - SY711034 per aspirapolvere e lavapavimenti-2

€ 166,57

Motore di aspirazione SYNCLEAN modello SY711034 per aspirapolvere e lavapavimenti Motore periferico N°. stadi: 3 Watt: 1200 Volt: 220-240 H pacco: 38 H totale: 200 H turbina: 92 Diametro Turbina: 144  


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Motore di aspirazione SYNCLEAN - SY711093 per aspirapolvere e lavapavimenti-2 FREE SHIPPING!

Motore di aspirazione SYNCLEAN - SY711093 per aspirapolvere e lavapavimenti-2

€ 139,96

Motore di aspirazione SYNCLEAN modello SY711093 per aspirapolvere e lavapavimenti Motore periferico N°. stadi: 1 Watt: 1000 Volt: 220-240 H pacco: 25 H totale: 138 H turbina: 50 Diametro Turbina: 144  


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Motore di aspirazione SYNCLEAN - SY711130 per lavapavimenti-2 FREE SHIPPING!

Motore di aspirazione SYNCLEAN - SY711130 per lavapavimenti-2

€ 220,58

Motore di aspirazione SYNCLEAN modello SY711130 per lavapavimenti Motore periferico con invito aspirazione N°. stadi: 2 Watt: 221 Volt: 12 H pacco: 30 H totale: 171 H turbina: 67 H invito asp. : 27 Diametro invito asp. : 30 Diametro Turbina: 144  


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Motore di aspirazione SYNCLEAN - SY711132 V/R per lavapavimenti -2 FREE SHIPPING!

Motore di aspirazione SYNCLEAN - SY711132 V/R per lavapavimenti -2

€ 244,85

Motore di aspirazione SYNCLEAN modello SY711132 V/R per lavapavimenti Motore periferico con invito aspirazione N°. stadi: 2 Watt: 400 Volt: 24 H pacco: 30 H totale: 169 H turbina: 67 H invito asp. : 19 Diametro invito asp. : 39 Diametro Turbina: 144  


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Motore di aspirazione SYNCLEAN SY711157 for vacuum cleaner e scrubber dryer FREE SHIPPING!

Motore di aspirazione SYNCLEAN SY711157 for vacuum cleaner e scrubber dryer

€ 128,50

Motore di aspirazione SYNCLEAN model SY711157 for vacuum cleaner e scrubber dryer Peripheral motor N°. Stage: 2 Watt: 1400 Volt: 220-240 H Stator: 38 Total height: 175.5 Turbine height: 66.5 Diameter Turbine: 144


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Motore di aspirazione SYNCLEAN SY711221 for vacuum cleaner e scrubber dryer FREE SHIPPING!

Motore di aspirazione SYNCLEAN SY711221 for vacuum cleaner e scrubber dryer

€ 139,43

Motore di aspirazione SYNCLEAN model SY711221 for vacuum cleaner e scrubber dryer Motore tangenziale N° Stage: 2 Watt: 1000 Volt: 23/240 H Stator: 38 Total High: 181 H Turbine: 77 Diameter Turbine: 144


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Motore di aspirazione SYNCLEAN SY711359 per aspirapolvere e lavapavimenti-2 FREE SHIPPING!

Motore di aspirazione SYNCLEAN SY711359 per aspirapolvere e lavapavimenti-2

€ 180,85

Motore di aspirazione SYNCLEAN modello SY711359 per aspirapolvere e lavapavimenti Motore periferico N°. stadi: 3 Watt: 1400 Volt: 220/240 H pacco: 38 H totale: 203 H turbina: 92 Diametro Turbina: 144  


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SY711015 SYNCLEAN Vacuum Motor for vacuum cleaner o scrubber dryer FREE SHIPPING!

SY711015 SYNCLEAN Vacuum Motor for vacuum cleaner o scrubber dryer

€ 131,73

SY711015 SYNCLEAN Vacuum Motor for vacuum cleaner o scrubber dryer Motore BiStageo Tangenziale Watt: 1000 Volt: 230 Stage: 2 Total height: 173 Turbine height: 77 Diameter Turbine: 144


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SY711127 Motore aspirazione SYNCLEAN per Lavapavimenti - 36 V 669 W FREE SHIPPING!

SY711127 Motore aspirazione SYNCLEAN per Lavapavimenti - 36 V 669 W

€ 244,21

SY711127 Motore aspirazione SYNCLEAN per Lavapavimenti - 36 V 669 W N°. di stadi: 3 Watt Nominal Power: 669 Volt: 36 H totale: 203 H turbina: 92 H pacco: 38 Diametro Turbina: 144  


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SY711208 Motore aspirazione SYNCLEAN per Lavapavimenti - 24 V 524 W FREE SHIPPING!

SY711208 Motore aspirazione SYNCLEAN per Lavapavimenti - 24 V 524 W

€ 220,36

SY711208 Motore aspirazione SYNCLEAN per Lavapavimenti - 24 V 524 W N°. di stadi: 2 Watt Nominal Power: 524 Volt: 24 H totale: 169 H turbina: 73 H pacco: 30 Diametro Turbina: 144  


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SY711216 Motore aspirazione SYNCLEAN per lavapavimenti FREE SHIPPING!

SY711216 Motore aspirazione SYNCLEAN per lavapavimenti

€ 189,90

SY711206 Motore aspirazione SYNCLEAN per lavapavimenti Motore tangenziale N°. di stadi: 3 Watt: 550 Volt: 24 H totale: 200,5 H turbina: 96,5 H pacco: 38 Diametro Turbina: 144  


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SYN 712031 SYNCLEAN Vacuum MotorCLEAN for scrubber dryers e vacuum cleaner FREE SHIPPING!

SYN 712031 SYNCLEAN Vacuum MotorCLEAN for scrubber dryers e vacuum cleaner

€ 141,18

SYN 712031 SYNCLEAN Vacuum MotorCLEAN for scrubber dryers e vacuum cleaner Throug-flow BIStageO N° Stage: 2 Watt: 1000 Volt: 115  


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Vacuum motor SY  711028 SYNCLEAN for scrubber dryer and vacuum cleaner FREE SHIPPING!

Vacuum motor SY 711028 SYNCLEAN for scrubber dryer and vacuum cleaner

€ 173,91

Motore di aspirazione SYNCLEAN Model SY711028 for scrubber dryer and vacuum cleaner Tangential Motor N°. stage: 2 Watt: 1200 Volt: 220-240 H Stator: 38 Total Height: 178 Turbine height: 77 Fan Diameter: 144  


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Vacuum motor SY  711034 SYNCLEAN for scrubber dryer and vacuum cleaner FREE SHIPPING!

Vacuum motor SY 711034 SYNCLEAN for scrubber dryer and vacuum cleaner

€ 166,57

Motore di aspirazione SYNCLEAN Model SY711034 for scrubber dryer and vacuum cleaner Peripheral vacuum motor N°. stage: 3 Watt: 1200 Volt: 220-240 H Stator: 38 Total Height: 200 Turbine height: 92 Fan Diameter: 144  


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Vacuum motor SY  711067 SYNCLEAN for scrubber dryer and vacuum cleaner FREE SHIPPING!

Vacuum motor SY 711067 SYNCLEAN for scrubber dryer and vacuum cleaner

€ 110,05

Motore di aspirazione SYNCLEAN Model SY711067 for scrubber dryer and vacuum cleaner Peripheral vacuum motor N°. stage: 2 Watt: 1000 Volt: 220-240 H Stator: 30 Total Height: 170 Turbine height: 69 Fan Diameter: 144  


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Vacuum motor SY  711093 SYNCLEAN for scrubber dryer and vacuum cleaner FREE SHIPPING!

Vacuum motor SY 711093 SYNCLEAN for scrubber dryer and vacuum cleaner

€ 139,96

Motore di aspirazione SYNCLEAN Model SY711093 for scrubber dryer and vacuum cleaner Peripheral vacuum motor N°. stage: 1 Watt: 1000 Volt: 220-240 H Stator: 25 Total Height: 138 Turbine height: 50 Fan Diameter: 144  


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Vacuum motor SY  711097 SYNCLEAN for scrubber dryer and vacuum cleaner FREE SHIPPING!

Vacuum motor SY 711097 SYNCLEAN for scrubber dryer and vacuum cleaner

€ 115,37

Motore di aspirazione SYNCLEAN Model SY711097 for scrubber dryer and vacuum cleaner Peripheral vacuum motor N°. stage: 1 Watt: 1200 Volt: 220-240 H Stator: 25 Total Height: 137.5 Turbine height: 47 Fan Diameter: 144


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Vacuum motor SY  711117 SYNCLEAN for scrubber dryer and vacuum cleaner FREE SHIPPING!

Vacuum motor SY 711117 SYNCLEAN for scrubber dryer and vacuum cleaner

€ 159,34

Motore di aspirazione SYNCLEAN Model SY711117 for scrubber dryer and vacuum cleaner Tangential Motor N°. stage: 3 Watt: 1300 Volt: 220/240 H Stator: 43 Total Height: 210 Turbine height: 100 Fan Diameter: 144


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Vacuum motor SY  711148 SYNCLEAN for scrubber dryer FREE SHIPPING!

Vacuum motor SY 711148 SYNCLEAN for scrubber dryer

€ 207,77

Motore di aspirazione SYNCLEAN Model SY711148 for scrubber dryer Tangential Motor N° stage: 2 Watt: 250 Volt: 12 H Stator: 30 Total Height: 166 Turbine height: 70 Fan Diameter: 144


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Vacuum motor SY  711177AU/S1 SYNCLEAN for scrubber dryer FREE SHIPPING!

Vacuum motor SY 711177AU/S1 SYNCLEAN for scrubber dryer

€ 226,44

Motore di aspirazione SYNCLEAN Model SY711177AU/S1 for scrubber dryer Peripheral vacuum motor N°. stage: 2 Watt: 250 Volt: 24 H Stator: 30 Total Height: 170 Turbine height: 67 Fan Diameter: 144


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Vacuum motor SY  711221 SYNCLEAN for scrubber dryer and vacuum cleaner FREE SHIPPING!

Vacuum motor SY 711221 SYNCLEAN for scrubber dryer and vacuum cleaner

€ 93,83

Motore di aspirazione SYNCLEAN Model SY711221 for scrubber dryer and vacuum cleaner Tangential Motor N°. stage: 2 Watt: 1000 Volt: 23/240 H Stator: 38 Total Height: 181 Turbine height: 77 Fan Diameter: 144


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Vacuum motor SY  711251 SYNCLEAN for scrubber dryer and vacuum cleaner FREE SHIPPING!

Vacuum motor SY 711251 SYNCLEAN for scrubber dryer and vacuum cleaner

€ 117,74

Motore di aspirazione SYNCLEAN Model SY711251 for scrubber dryer and vacuum cleaner Peripheral vacuum motor N°.stage: 2 Watt: 1000 Volt: 230/240 H Stator: 30 Total Height: 162 Turbine height: 70 Fan Diameter: 144


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Vacuum motor SY  711302 SYNCLEAN for scrubber dryer and vacuum cleaner FREE SHIPPING!

Vacuum motor SY 711302 SYNCLEAN for scrubber dryer and vacuum cleaner

€ 120,36

Motore di aspirazione SYNCLEAN Model SY711302 for scrubber dryer and vacuum cleaner Tangential Motor N°. stage: 1 Watt: 1000 Volt: 220/240 H Stator: 25 Total Height: 139 Turbine height: 51.5 Fan Diameter: 144


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Vacuum motor SY  711316 SYNCLEAN for scrubber dryer and vacuum cleaner FREE SHIPPING!

Vacuum motor SY 711316 SYNCLEAN for scrubber dryer and vacuum cleaner

€ 125,13

Motore di aspirazione SYNCLEAN Model SY711316 for scrubber dryer and vacuum cleaner Tangential Motor N°. stage: 2 Watt: 1000 Volt: 230/240 H Stator: 38 Total Height: 172 Turbine height: 71 Fan Diameter: 144


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Vacuum motor SY  711358 SYNCLEAN for scrubber dryer and vacuum cleaner FREE SHIPPING!

Vacuum motor SY 711358 SYNCLEAN for scrubber dryer and vacuum cleaner

€ 151,05

Motore di aspirazione SYNCLEAN Model SY711358 for scrubber dryer and vacuum cleaner Tangential Motor N°. stage: 3 Watt: 1400 Volt: 220/240 H Stator: 38 Total Height: 199 Turbine height: 94 Fan Diameter: 144  


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Vacuum motor SY  711359 SYNCLEAN for scrubber dryer and vacuum cleaner FREE SHIPPING!

Vacuum motor SY 711359 SYNCLEAN for scrubber dryer and vacuum cleaner

€ 180,85

Motore di aspirazione SYNCLEAN Model SY711359 for scrubber dryer and vacuum cleaner Peripheral vacuum motor N°. stage: 3 Watt: 1400 Volt: 220/240 H Stator: 38 Total Height: 203 Turbine height: 92 Fan Diameter: 144  


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Vacuum motor SY  712010 SYNCLEAN for vacuum cleaner FREE SHIPPING!

Vacuum motor SY 712010 SYNCLEAN for vacuum cleaner

€ 112,83

Motore di aspirazione SYNCLEAN Model SY 712010 for vacuum cleaner Throug-flow N°. stage: 1 Watt: 1000 Volt: 220/240 H Stator: 30 Total Height: 131 Turbine height: 40 Fan Diameter: 144


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Vacuum motor SY  712011 SYNCLEAN for vacuum cleaner FREE SHIPPING!

Vacuum motor SY 712011 SYNCLEAN for vacuum cleaner

€ 115,16

Motore di aspirazione SYNCLEAN Model SY 712011 for vacuum cleaner Throug-flow stage: 2 Watt: 1000 Volt: 220/240 H Stator: 30 Total Height: 157 Turbine height: 66 Fan Diameter: 144  


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Vacuum motor SY  712013 SYNCLEAN for vacuum cleaner FREE SHIPPING!

Vacuum motor SY 712013 SYNCLEAN for vacuum cleaner

€ 114,99

Motore di aspirazione SYNCLEAN Model SY 712013 for vacuum cleaner Throug-flow stage: 2 Watt: 800 Volt: 220/240 H Stator: 30 Total Height: 157 Turbine height: 66 Fan Diameter: 144  


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Vacuum motor SY  712015 SYNCLEAN for vacuum cleaner FREE SHIPPING!

Vacuum motor SY 712015 SYNCLEAN for vacuum cleaner

€ 151,06

Motore di aspirazione SYNCLEAN Model SY712015 for vacuum cleaner Throug-flow N°. stage: 2 Watt: 1000 Volt: 220-240 H Stator: 38 Total Height: 165 Turbine height: 66 Fan Diameter: 144  


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Vacuum motor SY  712026 SYNCLEAN for vacuum cleaner FREE SHIPPING!

Vacuum motor SY 712026 SYNCLEAN for vacuum cleaner

€ 138,22

Motore di aspirazione SYNCLEAN for vacuum cleaner Model SY712026 Throug-flow stage: 3 Watt: 1300 Volt: 220/240 H Stator: 38 Total Height: 190 Turbine height: 92 Fan Diameter: 144  


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Vacuum motor SY  712028 SYNCLEAN for vacuum cleaner FREE SHIPPING!

Vacuum motor SY 712028 SYNCLEAN for vacuum cleaner

€ 112,37

Motore di aspirazione SYNCLEAN Model SY 712028 for vacuum cleaner Throug-flow stage: 2 Watt: 1000 Volt: 220/240 H Stator: 25 Total Height: 151 Turbine height: 66 Fan Diameter: 144


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Vacuum motor SY  712030 SYNCLEAN for vacuum cleaner FREE SHIPPING!

Vacuum motor SY 712030 SYNCLEAN for vacuum cleaner

€ 108,27

Motore di aspirazione SYNCLEAN Model SY 712030 for vacuum cleaner Throug-flow ???????Number of Stages: 1 Watt: 800 Volt: 220/240 H Stator: 25 Total Height: 121 Turbine height: 35 Fan Diameter: 144  


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Vacuum motor SY 711315 SYNCLEAN for scrubber dryer and vacuum cleaner FREE SHIPPING!

Vacuum motor SY 711315 SYNCLEAN for scrubber dryer and vacuum cleaner

€ 127,54

Motore di aspirazione SYNCLEAN Model SY711315 for scrubber dryer and vacuum cleaner Tangential Motor N° stage: 2 Watt: 1000 Volt: 230/240 H Stator: 30 Total Height: 168 Turbine height: 75 Fan Diameter: 144  


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Vacuum motor SY 712034 SYNCLEAN for vacuum cleaner FREE SHIPPING!

Vacuum motor SY 712034 SYNCLEAN for vacuum cleaner

€ 103,67

Motore di aspirazione SYNCLEAN Model SY712034 for vacuum cleaner Throug-flow stage: 1 Watt: 1000 Volt: 220/240 H Stator: 30 Total Height: 129 Turbine height: 38 Fan Diameter: 106


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Vacuum motor SY711132 V/R SYNCLEAN for scrubber dryer FREE SHIPPING!

Vacuum motor SY711132 V/R SYNCLEAN for scrubber dryer

€ 244,85

Motore di aspirazione SYNCLEAN Model SY711132 V/R for scrubber dryer Peripheral motor with inlet N°. stage: 2 Watt: 400 Volt: 24 H Stator: 30 Total Height: 169 Turbine height: 67 H invito asp. : 19 Diameter invito asp. : 39 Fan Diameter: 144  


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Vacuum motor SYNCLEAN SY 711130 SYNCLEAN for scrubber dryer FREE SHIPPING!

Vacuum motor SYNCLEAN SY 711130 SYNCLEAN for scrubber dryer

€ 220,58

Motore di aspirazione SYNCLEAN Model SY711130 for scrubber dryer Peripheral motor with inlet N°. stage: 2 Watt: 221 Volt: 12 H Stator: 30 Total Height: 171 Turbine height: 67 H invito asp. : 27 Diameter invito asp. : 30 Fan Diameter: 144  


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